Hartford Alumni has long believed in the value of a thriving reclamation program. Past successes of this chapter can be linked to the achievements of our reclamation program. The continuing commitment for reclamation efforts are a major priority for the 2023-2024 calendar year.
Hartford Alumni has placed the direction of reclamation for this calendar year in the hands of Brother Mark Bradley. As a Past-Polemarch of Hartford Alumni, Brother Bradley is a natural fit for this position due to the positive relationships that he has formed with brothers in the Hartford area and beyond. Brother Bradley has been diligent in his efforts to re-engage the non-active membership and facilitate their return to the chapter.
Brother Bradley’s emphasis for the year is on the promotion of fellowship restoration. His push is to utilize the functions that Hartford Alumni currently uses and tie them in with a new series of social functions, to create constant fellowship opportunities. His desire is to renew a sense of fraternalism, and a need for reintegration and recommitment to our organization. Brother Bradley believes that building excitement about being a Kappa will translate into activity.
The Reclamation committee also plans to effectively communicate the chapter’s “One job for one brother” philosophy. This philosophy seeks to alleviate brothers from the fear of being overworked during the year. It states that Hartford Alumni expects each financial member to pick one area/committee and contribute to that area for the year. The chapter believes that if every brother in the Hartford area would produce in one area during the year, the chapter would achieve an incredible amount of accomplishment. And the process of being an active member of our chapter would be very enjoyable.
Our success is driven by the creation of reclamation events centered around the following purposes:
To generate fraternal interaction.
To foster silhouette and sweetheart interaction.
To promote family interaction
The Reclamation committee works closely with the Social committee to develop and facilitate events focused on strengthening the Bond across the chapter membership and their focus is on developing new and creative ways to engage the chapter membership in this virtual environment.