Hartford Alumni Innovations

As one of the top-performing chapters in all of Kappadom and 2021 and 2022 Chapter of the Year in the Northeast Province, Hartford Alumni’s commitment to service in the Greater Hartford area has been a shining example of our dedication to good public relations and our dedication to leveraging new approaches for engaging brothers and generating interest in membership.  Our community visibility has elevated us to the forefront of service organizations in the Greater Hartford area.  Our programming has created a demand for our involvement in a broad spectrum of areas.  

We realize the increased importance of branding and social media engagement and we have invested significant resources in strengthening and broadening our digital presence. We have created multiple avenues we leverage to engage our brothers and the Greater Hartford Community.

This year we decided to embrace technology as a tool to help address some of the enduring challenges that our chapter and most chapters face.

To help us get a better sense of Brothers’ ideas, concerns, and strategies for our chapter to be better at addressing issues that help us be an even brighter light in Kappadom, we decided to conduct an AI Video Survey as part of a multi-year initiative to continue to chip away at the major issues facing our Brothers, our chapter, and the communities we represent.

The survey was very instructive and has spawned certain ideas that we are preparing to adopt in the coming months to help us increase participation and reclaim Brothers.

We were able to generate an Intelligent Opinion Mining score using AI to examine the words spoken in the video. The Intelligent Opinion Mining score is produced by mining millions of responses from individuals in other surveys to develop a sentiment analysis.

The advantage of this technology is that we are able to examine brothers’ responses for common trends, eliminate filters that come from the 1 on 1 conversations that are held brother to brother on how we can make the chapter better, review the responses more than once to get additional insights, and to glean micro-sentiments that may not have been evident when listening to a brother directly.

While most of the AI Video Survey is private, we have provided a screenshot of just a couple of questions and the video of a brother providing responses.

We intend to use this technology to work to help us better serve our other many initiatives.